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Stage Crew, Rigging, and Production

This is it: The Road to Stage Crew, Rigging, and Production. Breaking into stage crew, rigging, or production isn’t easy – it takes guts, hard work, and a good network. Ready to step up and meet a few fun people along the way? Watch this quick video

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Diana Ekladious-min

In conversation with Diana Ekladious

Who is Diana Ekladious? A law graduate, experienced Director and course with an interest in making the lives of young people brighter, and ensuring future generations have the support and safeguarding they need. Why does the world need a CM2 Trust? Social work is a profession

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CM2 Launches boot camp in Automotive & aerospace Engineering

Our brand new pre-apprenticeship boot camp will prepare you for the world of automotive & aerospace manufacturing, design, tech and more. Our pre-apprenticeship programme Our bootcamp promises to bring together young people to join our pre-apprenticeship programme where ambitious and selected individuals will be invited to

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A conversation with Azim Khan

Who is Azim Khan? Passionate individual with a strong interest in finance. Azim believes that there are many opportunities out there for young people but there is a glaring gap which needs to be filled in terms of getting the opportunities across to them. Azim believes

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